
Investment in China - Choosing the Appropriate Form of Investment

Source : JFU
1 January,2011

Given China's market size and high economic growth rate, there has been no lack of attractiveness for foreign investors.  However, with the unification of the income tax for domestic and foreign companies and with the change in foreign investment policy from the pursuit of "quantity" to "quality", foreign investors are experiencing the transition from "super-national treatment" to "national treatment".

However, at the recently concluded Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), it raised a change in the development approach, which is "from national wealth to people's wealth". The writer's perspective is that this change suggested that the government will put more emphasis and protection to private interests. We can foresee that enterprises and investors, including foreign investors, as the carriers for private interest and medium for creating people's wealth, will be benefited by more fundamental legal protection and growth opportunities.

As investors, we must have bold investment strategies, but also require careful planning and execution. Once determined to enter the Chinese market, as investors, an important consideration is to decide on the form of investment.

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